Teacher nightmares started weeks ago. One week from today I'll be back at school. First day with students will be next Friday.
Got a phone call from the AP today. Why is portrait day so early? Well, it's because it worked exceptionally well to have it early last year. Might need to be changed. Okiedoke. Same conversation as last spring. Why is it so early? Helps with remembering, helps with deadlines. We can change it if you want.
We got furloughed for three days. I guess it's a better choice than getting a pay cut, because it means we don't have to be at the school those three days. Still, it ticks me off. I resent the assumption that teachers don't need planning time - or, at least, don't need to be compensated for it.
I have two donorschoose proposals under review, one that's been approved and materials will be sent as soon as school starts, and four more in the works. It is SO HARD to write those stinking proposals - especially without being repetitive, when two of the four are to add more to my classroom library. I like to think that I do a fairly good job of it, that they're enjoyable to read... they've at least been effective so far.
But lately writing has been an absolute CHORE. And maybe it's just that I haven't been sleeping well, but I'm pissed about that. I love to read, and I know why: because I choose to read books that don't suck. And because I know how to pick those books, I can teach students how to do so, and then THEY rediscover how much fun reading can be.I just can't seem to do that with writing. So, come Labor Day weekend, I hope to enlist the help of this man, who is part of my potential harem. (Is it still a harem even though I'm female and they're male?)
You know he's plotting mischief. Just look at that twinkle! I figure, if anyone can teach me how to love writing, it's someone with the right balance of softness and snark.
My thoughts are all a-jumble. Has anyone heard anything from/about EdWonk? I haven't seen a carnival in weeks. :( I miss them!