Twelve years, six months, and eight days. That's how long I was cancer-free.
It'll still be several days before the pathology report comes back, but given that what I thought was a callus or scar tissue was apparently a TUMOR, that means it's probably stage III, which is NOT good.
It just makes me so mad.
And I'll probably have to have chemotherapy, and goodness knows what else. It's probably premature to be making any of these guesses, but I can't help it.
I did what I was supposed to do - well, mostly, anyway. I had the whole damn thing cut out and I got mammograms on the other one regularly. Then it comes back on the original side?? WTF, people?!
It feels unfair. I know that "fair" has nothing to do with it, but, well, feeling isn't rational.
I'm incredibly frustrated.
ETA: The surgeon came in to talk to me while I was in recovery - apparently I was more out of it than I thought! The Hunk said that he'd told us the lump was UNDER the skin, NOT attached to it. Which is WAY better than the other way around!
I'm really sorry to hear that. I'll be thinking about you.
I'm holding you in the light Let me know what else I can do.
Sorry to hear that. Will definitely say some prayers for you.
Makes me mad, too. You are one strong lady. That'll be my mantra for you.
Clix, my prayers and best wishes are with you. Be strong.
Thank you all so much for your kind words. :)
I'm way behind on my Google Reader and just saw this - so sorry, but glad it's better than originally thought!
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