Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ooo, I'm steamed.

What cheek! What absolute cheek. Yesterday I got a note from one of my little "angels" in last period. A couple things to note:

1) It is REALLY hot. I think it gets above 85 (F) in there. I'm pretty sure my thermostat is set to heat, so the air doesn't kick in at all. And it's jammed closed.
2)NOTHING seems to work with this class. There aren't outbursts that are dangerous, and for the most part they're not openly defiant, but they don't pay attention, they speak out of turn ALL THE TIME, they get distracted VERY easily (and they're very willing to distract others), and redirects/reminders last for like 15 seconds.
At any rate, one student wasn't happy about the situation, and she took the time (rather than, God forbid, WORKING) to let me know. I'm a little bit pleased that she wrote the note rather than just mouthing off. There's that, at least. So here's what it said:

Dear Mrs. (Clix),

I just wanted you to know that it wont hurt you any to lighten up a little bit. People do stuff to make you made because it dont take much to get you upset and start screaming. I cant stand that, when im In your class it feels like im in Jail. And it is so hot in here its like an oven, but that dont bother you either because you only care about yourself. Im not being smart in anyway but you wont listen so I have to write it and it still does no good. You have very little Patience and thats something you need to be able to teach good. This year to be honest i havent learned much from you, because you throw stuff on us that you Probably dont fully understand. Im Just asking you to treat your students as if you would if you had A child. Because you wouldnt want to treat your child bad. Well thats all i have to say. Maybe you will relize what im saynig is true.

(Student name - with a HEART by it! WTF?)

Obviously, I need to focus more on apostrophe use... >;)

On a less snarky note, I am asking her to stop by my class at the end of this period. I'd like to take this seriously and model the behavior that I would like to see from her.

But ooooo! It gets my back up. ;p

On the plus side, it looks like my first period class today is breezing through the essay exam for The Odyssey. I'm gonna go ahead and read through some of them... fingers crossed...


Mrs. Chili said...

WOWIE! DO let us know how this all plays out...I'm hanging on the edge of my seat here....

loonyhiker said...

Please keep us updated. I did think of something positive about this though. Obviously you are an openminded teacher who has a good enough relationship with your students that this person felt comfortable enough to share this with you (and didn't fear repercussions from you). I'm interested in knowing how you handled this.

The Vegas Art Guy said...

The other good thing is that you know that student needs grammar help...


And my classroom has the same temp issues yours does...

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