It's probably a good thing that FreeRice is banned at my school, or I would wind up frittering away time that I ought to be spending more productively. Like I do at home!
So now it's not just vocabulary (though that's still among my favorites, because up at the higher levels they have the COOLEST WORDS. Like EVAR.) but you can get vocab in other languages and math problems and even ART.
FreeRice Famous Paintings is my new crack. Seriously. It is SO ADDICTIVE. I haven't got past level 8 yet. I'll be all careful and remembery and I've even picked up on a few patterns - I can pick out Franz Hals ('common' faces) and Caravaggio (lots of contrast, saturated colors) and Jacques-Louis David (precise; he likes classical subjects) when a week ago I didn't even know their names. And then I'll get sloppy and mix up Cezanne and Van Gogh! It's absolutely maddening!
And yet I always go back for more...
Does anyone else feel a tiny bit guilty about playing ones that you're not all that good at? Because I can ace Grammar like nobody's business, but it gets kind of DULL, you know?
I'd like to point out that 290 grains is not "a whole lot," but you can't log in, so it sets the counter back to zero each time you go there to play.
So, hurray for GraphicConverter, which is ALSO free! :D
Image thanks to
Caught Up in a Flood of Remembrance
2 hours ago
I need to put freerice on my sidebar; it really IS fun.
I love that place! I haven't seen my students frittering their time away with it this year--I should remind them. Hahaha! At least they'll be learning! It's one of those sites that I'll visit all the time, and then one day I just don't, and then I forget about it for a while.
I just found out TODAY that FreeRice is BACK UP at our schools. Crap. I have to hold off for a few more days so I can get teh Darn Book done. ;p
This is one of my favorite SmartBoard toys. We do the grammar game. I let the whole class pick the right answer, but then call on individual students for the rationale.
LS, do you have voter-buttons that go with the SmartBoard? Does that work with FreeRice? If not, how do you do it - just tally the votes?
I go with mob rule. I close the door and let them debate each other because it tickles me.
The day before spring break one of my classes -- all senior boys -- broke out into song (with rounds) while working on something. Quite enertaining, and the principals never know what to expect when they wander by ... keeps 'em wondering!
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