Something I've wondered is why more of my PLNs don't overlap. There are often similar conversations on the English Companion ning and some of the various teaching communities on LiveJournal.
I like the features of the EC ning, and I like how focused it is. It's pretty easy to find what you're looking for. At the same time, I like how smooth LiveJournal is. Granted, you have to bookmark or save a post if you want to go back to it later on, but as a result there's very little clutter.
I still haven't gotten the hang of Twitter; I don't feel like tailoring my tweets to a certain niche, so I don't know that they're particularly useful. IMO it'd be nice if they made messaging easier, like how @username replies to that username. Maybe >username? Because it's rare that an @reply makes ANY sense when it's between others. It clogs the feed. But it's immediate, & messaging isn't.
I dunno. I'm weird. I don't approach things the way others do. I blog pseudonymously (although my immediate family has me bookmarked, and there are others who've met me or could make a connection). I feel more comfortable being [somewhat] open about my experiences as a result; there isn't quite as much pressure to be insightful and reflective and - you know, always on all the time.
Like at yearbook camp - most people put Firstname Lastname on their badges. I didn't; I wrote Mrs. Lastname on mine. It took me two years to start calling other teachers by their first names. I'm still not comfortable with it.
OTOH, I dress very casually according to most professional standards. I like my clothes to be affordable, durable, comfortable, subtle, and low-maintenance. And I keep them clean.
I'm a gamer, but I don't play video games. I write, but I really don't have any interest in writing anything for print publication. I'm an English teacher, but I have little to no interest in reading more of The Canon.
I dunno. Maybe everyone gets this way from time to time. I just feel like I'm awkwardly shaped, and I can kind of go with the flow everywhere, but I don't really fit anywhere.
Influence and distance
4 hours ago
I always sort of guessed you were a gamer from your banner. I like table top games (Risk, Axis & Allies, Diplomacy) and a group of my web design students convinced me to sponsor a table top gaming club next year. I told them they could meet once a week after school in my room to play - but we would not play video games. We played two entire Diplomacy games during finals. Too much time, not enough test. It was fun.
I too blog under a pseudonym, but anyone can find out who I am in real life (IRL). And don't feel bad about not first naming other teachers. It wasn't until I turned 35 and was older than most of the faculty at my school that I became comfortable calling other teachers by their first names.
And I'm probably one of the Twitter people who @tag others with side conversations that drive you crazy. But it is the easiest way to have anything like a conversation on twitter.
keep posting!
*g* I'm as guilty of slacking off & using @reply as anybody else! I just wish messaging has a shortcut the way replying does.
Have you ever played Carcassonne? It's a resource-management strategy game. Guillotine and Lunch Money are also quite fun (although Lunch Money is fast-paced).
I tend to prefer dynamic story games, kind of like Dungeons & Dragons (although dungeon crawls bore me to tears). My current favorite is Seventh Sea. The system is unbelievably buggy, but the setting is fantastic.
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