Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ning vs BuddyPress

I've been hearing a lot about WordPress. I know a lot of people use it and like it better than Blogger. And I was kind of intrigued when someone over at ecning mentioned BuddyPress, which has interactive features the way ning does.

I'm thinking about setting up something for my classes with BuddyPress, because it's free, and ning isn't. Dana Huff mentioned that with WordPress, you can use wordpress.com for free hosting. I'd like to know if you can run BuddyPress on a free wordpress.com account.

The other problem I have is that I haven't the slightest idea how to use WordPress. I don't really even know where to begin trying it out. So I guess I'm looking for someone who can point me in the right direction!

A little help?

Image thanks to http://letsgodynamic.com/


Mrs. Chili said...

I love Wordpress, but I can't really tell you how it differs from BuddyPress because I've only just heard about it today, here, with you.

What is it that you want to DO with the platform? Do you plan to use it for class? Give me more, and I'll see if I have anything helpful to say.

Clix said...

What I'm really, REALLY looking for is threaded discussion.

Ning, I know, allows you to have different types of posts. On some of them (the posts in "groups" and in the "forum"), the comments are threaded. This means that those reading can respond to the original post with a comment, OR they can respond to a COMMENT with another comment.

Livejournal has comment threading, BUT it's blocked at my school. Also, I don't know how much you can customize your sidebars. (They didn't have that before I started on blogger.) I think I could work around the former if I pay for a domain name.

Why do you like WordPress so much? I like Blogger an awful lot. The only thing I wish it had was a feed FROM Facebook, the way I've got with Twitter.

Clix said...

Well, and threaded comments. ;)

Clix said...

OH! I am SUCH a ninny. Also I would need to be able to set it invite-only. Ning lets you do that; I doubt that Wordpress does. But you CAN set posts on LJ to friends-only. Livejournal's looking better and better. Except that all commenting would have to be done outside of school, since students wouldn't be able to log in. Hmmm...

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