Wednesday, February 08, 2012


I'm still here. Sometimes, though, it seems like I will never EVER be done with yearbook and newspaper. I feel so overwhelmed right now.

Today the eighth graders are visiting from the middle school. So I'll be lying to their little faces all day, trying to make sure I hide how much I hate every single thought about the publications, how awful I think they are in comparison to previous years, how much I wish my name wasn't attached to them this year.

Every day is a grind. I actually have been waking up in a good mood lately. But as thoughts about deadlines and misinformation and changes to our prices and not being allowed to interview wander into my head, each one just crushes me a little tighter until I'm all in a knot.

I feel like I'm swimming against the current, just trying to stay afloat until it's over.

Image thanks to


Mardie said...

Hang in there, Clix. It's February . . . almost almost spring!

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