So, obviously, I really-really-really wanna go.
Thing is, of course, once again there's no money to SEND me. And thanks to medical bills and taxes (why the hell can't you deduct medical bills from your taxes, dammit? WTF, Uncle Sam?!) and our heat/air unit crapping out on us (in JULY, no less) we are even broker than last year.
Actually... maybe not. At least we haven't had to pay for car repairs AND a down payment.
It's up in Chicago, which is once again a bit of a drive. (And COLD! NCTE folks, what were you thinking?) But I'd be able to visit family over in Indiana, although I still feel it's a bit far for a daily commute, so I'd need to get a hotel room. And of course the conference ITSELF is a bit of an owie.
Is it going to be that different from last year? Will it really be as helpful, now that I've already gone once?
Essentially, is it worth giving up a trip to Disney World?
I just don't know.
Image thanks to http://www.ncte.org/
I really want to go too. I could afford to go, but I cannot afford to pay for my sub.
I will say, if you've gone once, don't trade Disney World!
Your school doesn't provide professional leave?
I'm not going this year, but I am definitely going next year when it's in Las Vegas. Not that I like Las Vegas--it's not my favorite spot. But it will be close AND cheap.
Awww. Vegas is DEFINITELY out of the question because it WON'T be close (and thus won't be cheap).
Well, how many NCTE Conventions have you been to? And how many times have you been to Disney?
I know, I know! that makes it even harder to decide ;p
I think you have to come because I want to show you my city.
Great post
Hmmmm... you've let us mull over this one for a while... Have you decided anything yet?
I still haven't been given permission, sooooo at this point it's a moot point ;D
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